My Practice
My approach to psychotherapy is deeply rooted in feminist and structural analyses that contextualize individual “problems” in our social environments. I practice from an anti-oppression framework, which acknowledges the complex interplay of (often) multiple social locations that serve to both afford social privilege and experiences of oppression.
My therapeutic orientation is comprised of an eclectic mix of theoretical models that guide my work, including anti-oppression frameworks, emotion focused therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and somatic-based practices. While I don’t practice exclusively from one perspective, I believe that our relationship is key to our therapeutic exploration. Without safety and trust, work of this nature isn’t possible.
My areas of specialty include trauma, addiction, domestic and/or (childhood) sexual violence, grief, depression, sexuality, and family of origin issues. I am committed to working with members of marginalized groups, including queer, racialized, and differently-abled community members, recognizing that this practice requires my ongoing engagement with my own relationship to the ways in which I am privileged and impacted by sexism, cissexism, heterosexism, racism, colonization, and ableism.